So I've been MIA for a while. And yes, that's an overstatement. But such is life, and such has been my life, so let's all shake hands, do the hokey pokey, turn ourselves around, and get this blog going again. Whoa. Dejavu. This must have happened before in my previous blogging life!
Very quickly to give the general update: I'm moving to Toronto in a little over a month to start my PhD program. Yes, that's Toronto, Canada. I shall be Canadian in a few short weeks. And hopefully my car will become Canadian with me (who knew it would almost be harder to import my car than myself???). So I'm in the middle of the preparation tempest. And by tempest, I mean chaos that generally resembles a cyclone in my room. Every day I'm feeling the heebies because I did the exact same thing when I went on my mission. It's not fun trying to pack your life up into a few small boxes that will fit in the cheapest U-Haul trailer and coming to terms with the fact that your Love-sac and rocking chair probably won't make the cut. *sniff sniff* But, the saving grace? My Kitchen-Aid will! Long-live my cookie dough fettish!
I went for a hike yesterday with my aunt and my mother. I loved getting up in the mountains, very quickly becoming dusty and a little sweaty, and hiking amongst the chirping, peppy birds and gorgeously blooming wild flowers. I might have to go again, and soon - and I recommend all go and become one with nature at least once this week! It quiets the soul in a way that the hustle and bustle of suburban life cannot. While on the hike, my aunt asked us a question: "If you could have any experience in the world, what would it be?" After the automatic responses of family, kids, career (which, don't get me wrong - go team on those!) ran through my mind, I was like...HMM. What would I do? My mom answered a kayaking trip for a week. I would totally go with her, kayak blisters and all. My aunt answered climbing K2. I probably wouldn't do that. Going up a mountain just doesn't appeal to me. It's great to accomplish something and look down on the creations of the world, but....if my life can potentially be in peril, I probably won't attempt it. So, she can do that with her hubby. I'll look at their pictures after.
My answer that came to the surface after weeding through those first ones? I would Love, LOVE, love, LOve, loVE to play the part of Elphaba on the West End in London. My answer cracked me up, because quite honestly, I had never thought about it before, but when I said it outloud, I knew it was true. I would adore being able to be part of a play, with a British accent, an adorable co-star who can serenade me until the cows stop mooing, and having the ability to sing my heart out and have it appreciated by others. And in London? Yeah. Well. Let's just say I've found my true love in life. Add that to the fact that I absolutely am enchanted with "Wicked" and the part of Elphaba in particular, and it's a done deal for my dream experience.
I asked my aunt what our answers revealed about us. My auntie said my mom's showed that she wanted to be away from the world and at peace. 'Tis true, because when you're on the water, it's just you. My aunt's showed that she loves and challenge and pushing herself to her limits and seeing those accomplishments. Mine? That I want fame and recognition. Haha. Maybe it's true, but I'd like to think that my dream experience shows how I love the arts and appreciate the opportunity to immerse one's self in the telling of a story. Plus, I'm a spazz. And I like London. Hello. That's a given. And a British accent? I do it without thinking as it is! So, fame and recognition aside, I would love to be able to excel at something artistic and be able to express it. Maybe the applause wouldn't be so bad either............
So what would your dream experience be? And what does that show about you? Just a fun thought to start the week off! Cheerio!
1. Go to an English moor and run around on it. Bonus points if some attractive human of the male gender is involved.
Holy Crap!! This is amazing!! I am so excited for you darling!
First, congrats on blogging finally. I'd quite given up on you.
And you could totally pull of Elphaba, if you sang like that. That would rock!
If I could have any experience... I really want to sneak out of my house and ride off on a motorcycle with someone. But it has to be against the rules. I could accomplish this one day but I think I've passed the age where it would be against the rules. Also, when I was a teen, with my mom it still wouldn't have been against the rules. Anyway, I hope to one day do this with some mock element of danger.
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