Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Life in Photos: Part 2

When I left Toronto to go home for Christmas, there was hardly any snow on the ground. I came back and was suddenly grateful for the giant boots and fur-trimmed coat my parents graciously bought me in Utah, though I do feel about 40 pounds heavier when I wear them. But they did allow me to take these photos on a brisk, sunny (hooray! love the sun!) afternoon.

The pond by my apartment is populated in the summer with Canadian geese. If they're smart or at least have a semi-functioning internal time table, they've left for the winter. The paths along campus are shockingly snow-covered, and even parts of the paths are closed for the winter. Who knew? I personally like the bucket-filled-with-salt-snow-removal-system.

My life in photos: Part 1

So, I have a new toy. A red one. It's shiny. And it's red. It takes pretty pictures. And it falls within the red chromatic area. Unfortunately, because it's my new camera, I can't take a picture of it. But just imagine. Red. Oh yes, I love it. But the best part of it is that I can finally take pictures of where I'm living and what it looks like up here in the arctic tundra also known as Toronto. Let me introduce you to what I see most days: my apartment. It's a bachelor apartment, with just enough for me to mess up with articles and yoga balls.

Each photo is a view from a different part of my room. So it probably looks a bit bigger than it is, but there ya go. The last one is the view from my third floor window. In the summer, it's pretty with all the trees and leaves. Imagine my surprise when I realized how close the buildings were to me when the leaves fell!